* Integrated text and image viewer
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* Edit file attriutes (hidder, read-only, etc)
* Rename and delete files
* Create or edit text files
* Create folders
* Multi-selection
* Copy or move files and folders
* Send files by Bluetooth or Infrared
* Extract files from Zip, Rar, Jar archives
* Pack files to Zip archive
* View Word documents
* Hardware device info
* View processes and tasks
* Built-in program update
* Viewing, saving files in Messagning folders
* Hex viewer and editor
* Search files
* Folder hotkeys
Change log
1.53 - Croatian language, Send file by on Android, Image viewer slide to prev/next, Serbian languageDownload :LCG X-plore v1.53 S60v3 S60v5 S^3 SymbianOS9.x Cracked by Ice Angel.sis
7 komentar:
Hape yg da ke hacked aje ye..??, work 100 % ga..??
@andro.. Yoi boz cuma bwt hacked phone. Pilih yg 2 icon ane jamin work 100% :g:
awalnya work 100 %, tapi kenpa pas w nginstal aplikasi laen(ebuddy), x-plore nya jadi ga bisa kebuka ya..??
@rev.. Brader install yg 2 icon kan?? :a:
Tinggal buka ikon yg satu lagi nanti X-plore v1.53 Cracked nya Pasti normal lagi. Itu lah fungsinya 2icon gan, icon yg trial berfungsi nge refresh kalo X-plore crack'annya ga bsa dibuka/crash :g:
gan, ente kan upload xplore 1.53nya ada bbrpa gt, yg pling bgus dan g crash yg mana???
@ejz... Klo mnurut ane yg paling bagus ya modifan ane sendiri http://www.aplikasi-gratizzz.co.cc/2011/06/x-plore-v153-s60v3-s60v5-s3-cracked-9.html udh cracked, udh dimasukin smw bahasa di v1.53 + 9 bahasa, biar lebih yakin coba aja brader gugling.
Mnurut ane semua x-plore cracked pasti nge'crash, yg paling aman yg 2icon. :g:
ow gtu gan, ane coba ntar..knp g upload yg pake python gan?? blum ad y??
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