* Loads complete web pages in seconds.
* Patented navigation and display technologies get you where youare going faster.
* View streaming flash or HTML5 videos from sites like YouTube, Facebook and MTV. Enjoy Twitter and Facebook widgets with BOLT as web app platform
* Easily switch between multiple sites with tabbed browsing.
* Post to your Facebook or Twitter account directly from BOLT while you browse.
* Backup your favorites in the cloud.
* Full desktop PC-style browsing on all types of mobile phones.
* Run Web-based applications, like Mafia Wars and Google Docs Web content is never reformatted, repurposed, or removed
* Browse any site with the best page rendering available.Download :Bolt252LiteHUI150dzebb.zip
4 komentar:
cara instalnya gimana tuh??
mesti 22nya ato gimana???
@richa.. Satu aja cha, yg full utk hp yg ram nya gede. Klo yg lite utk hp yg ram nya kecil
gan,,,aq dah instal yg full,,trus wktu app dibuka ada settingannya..
maksudnya itu settingnya gmn??
buat free akses internet ya???
Betul cha.. Menu handler itu bisa bikin browsing, dunlud + aplud gratis tanpa kena biaya, tp settingannya hrz bner klo salah tetep bayar dgn tarif normal atw ga mau konek
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