* Standard AVI format, allowing you to preview converted files on your PC
* Also plays MP4V, FLV and 3GP file formats
* Player uses the phone screen in portrait or landscape mode, utilizing the full screen size of the device
* Rescaling of video to utilize the full screen area
* Support for subtitles - allowing you to watch movies in different languages
* Friendly PC converter - preview videos on PC, select parts you want to convert, change conversion quality
* Converter supports DirectShow codecs, so you may use video codecs downloadable from the internet
* Fast conversion; on a standard PC conversion is 5x faster than the video clip playback time.
* You'll convert entire movie in just a few minutes
* Quality rescale algorithm in player, delivering best possible picture quality
* Customizable video player (brightness, language, volume, and more)
* User-friendly interface - watch movies, don't waste time configuring obscure setting
Download :Smart movie 4.15 PT- EN S60v3 S60v5 Mod Full by Ninja symbian
17 komentar:
Perbedaanya Apa Gan :a:
kenapa nggak bs diinstal di 5233???
pdhl udah disign peke freesign...
Dari ninja symbiannya ga ngasih keterangan. Klo yg ku liat lgsung di hp ku yaitu
1. New icon lebih elegan
2. Portuguese translation
3. Perubahan pada keterangan versi
4. Full registered.
@richa.. Di hp ku bisa ko. Knp ga di hack aja hapenya??
msh takut nge hack..hehehe
emang klo cm di sign nggak bs ya????
kalo apps dari lcg biasanya gak bisa kalo cuma di sign.
bentar ni aku instal ttpod v4.10
tp wktu aku matiin hp trus hp ku nggak bs hdp lg,nokia terus yg keluar,dimatiin jg nggak bs.
wkt aku uninstal,br bs hdp..
mohon bantuaannya,,kenapa ya??
pdhl aku pengen bgt ttpod itu....
@richa.. Yg ku tau TTPod cuma bisa jalan di hp yg udh di hack krna ttpod butuh patch4run yg cuma bisa dipasang di hp yg terhack.
Skrg udh ada ttpod extreme 4.31 loh, lbih keren + skinnya ada 80. :g:
gmn klo hape mu di hack aja.. :a:
klo blh tw apa efek nya klo dihack??
ada efek negatifnya nggak???
wa bay q pgn tny,,skrg stiap q pgen nntn vdeo pke smart movie pst lngsng kluar sndri,,dh q cb pke yg laen sma j..knp y wa bay??
@richa.. Efek negatifnya klo salah modif bisa2 hape mati. Tp tenang aja gawsh dikubur hp nya. Biasanya dgn hardreset smw balik ke normal. Mnurut ku positifny lbh bnyak.
@wa vhery.. Mungkin ram nya kepenuhan wa ver.
mas bayu bsa diinstal di nokia x6 yg engga di hack ga?
Ga bisa mas. Cuma utk hacked phone.
bner wa bay trnyta ram q tgl sdkt,mank 5800 ram-ny brp y wa bay?mju trs bwt blogny n sllu update trs wa tntng s60v5 :g:
Klo 5800 Ram nya 128Mb. Tp bnyak kPake sma sistem dr hape & rata2 Ram yg bsa kta pke tu 50-60Mb.
sayangnya smartmovie ga ngeluarin versi yang baru
coz klo buat video VGA(640*480,30fps) putus-putus
masih bagusan real player.
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