Overview of Gravity’s Features:
. Compatible with Twitter and Laconica
·All functions available on your S60 phone:
tweet, reply, retweet, DM, follow &
unfollow, block, create favourites, search,
auto-update and many more …
·Tabbed view of your Timeline, Replies, Messages, Friends, …
· Profile View to see information about a Twitter User
· Configurable Audio Alerts for Timeline/
Replies/DM’s & Searches
·Auto-Connect to any Access Point and Auto-Fallback to WLAN
·Setup and use as many accounts as you
want at the same time
· Group support for creating custom tabs
with user-defined filters
·Post URLs from tweets to del.icio.us, Instapaper or Read It Later
·Twitter-Search section with multiple
search tabs and Twitter Trends
· Post pictures to MobyPicture, TwitPic,
TwitGoo, Posterous, Yfrog or img.ly
· Preview pictures from Plixi, Instagram, MobyPicture, TwitPic, TwitGoo, Flic.kr,
Yfrog and img.ly
· Ping.fm support by simply sending “p message” or “p #group message”
· Open URLs from any Tweet
· Kinetic scrolling on S60v5 ( Nokia 5800 and Nokia N97 )
· Theme support ( fixed dark and bright
theme )
· Full-Screen mode
· Includes a Homescreen Widget for the nokia N97.
Built-in auto-update function and beta access for testing the latest features
1. Preview pic from Facebook
2. Now Gravity is "from Gravity!"
Retail Trick:
1. install file in archive (retail v1.32.6603.sis and
v1.60.6801 sisx [choice for your device])
2. opened the retail v1.32 and login if done exit
3. opened the original file v1.60.6801 and login again
Download :Mobileways Gravity v1.60.6801 S60v3 S60v5 S^3 [Retail Trick]
7 komentar:
nah yg ini lo mas,wkt instal yg 6801 itu ga bs dionline'in gr2 settingan bawaan d gravitynya kan always ask.sedangkan di hapeku ga bs diganti akses poin'nya,karna opsinya cm always ask.lha wkt aku go online itu ga muncul pilihan akses2 poin,makanya connection failed.uda tes vers yg ini blm? -mars-nah yg ini lo mas,wkt instal yg 6801 itu ga bs dionline'in gr2 settingan bawaan d gravitynya kan always ask.sedangkan di hapeku ga bs diganti akses poin'nya,karna opsinya cm always ask.lha wkt aku go online itu ga muncul pilihan akses2 poin,makanya connection failed.uda tes vers yg ini blm? -mars-
Belum :b:
Demo doang ya gan? Retail tricknya buat apa si? Kok masi demo jga?
Maap ya kalo prtanyaannya bodoh. Baru prtama x make gravity soalnyaDemo doang ya gan? Retail tricknya buat apa si? Kok masi demo jga?
Maap ya kalo prtanyaannya bodoh. Baru prtama x make gravity soalnya
Begini mas, Install v1.32 sama v1.60.
Buka yg v1.32 trz login. Klo udah login keluar dr graviti.
truz buka yg v1.60 trs login, selesai maslogin keluar dr graviti.
truz buka yg v1.60 trs login, selesai mas
fontnya unik gan....
ijin share again gan ! :m:
jadi gini gan. ane uda bisa login d 1.32. nah pas login pake 1.60 knapa musti mandek di 11% trus DC. kira-kira neh gerangan apan ya gan ??. hehehuy. mohon pencerahanya. thanks..
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