Key Features:
- New skin format support, more easily create a personalized love messages.
- Simplified skin production, installation and management functions, the skin used to choose the way coverflow, the skin effect of real time preview, dynamic presentation.
- Chat dialogue interface add a picture expression support, send messages to visualize bubble selection and insertion.
- Contact Interface Add to add, clear picture function, support jpg, png and other common image formats, picture settings and contacts within the contact head independently, and supports batch import picture.
- Added functionality to ignore iPhone style tips: 3rd edition phones can be prompted by the # key closed, 5th Edition mobile phone users can click the upper right corner of the red cross tips off tips, but does not change the state of new information.
- For 5th Edition Touch platform, the contact interface, new gesture support: contact entries on the left in the program contacts the right plan can be labeled and unmark operation.
New Function:
- iSMS add fetion function, It will convenient for the user to use.
- iSMS support using fetion number to login fetion function.
- Auto start for fetion function:fetion function will auto start after you setting fetion configurations.
- Double click will insert expression on flatform Symbian S60 5th and Symbian^3.
User feeling optimization:
- Function of start-flash-screen in iSMS have been moved to "about" option.
New platform adaptation:
- Correct the problem that fetion function can't be used on platform Symbian^3.
- Correct the problem that when you connect to wap that ask you to choose access point many times on platform Symbian^3.
- Correct the problem that iSMS don't support secret contact person function on platform Symbian^3.
1. New Ailiao game function;
2. new tips in the process of using;
3. Optimization Ailiao landing capabilities;
4. sessions fusion, the same person SMS, flying letters, Ailiao information integration;
5. Dialogue channel icon optimization, as Ailiao green, yellow flying letters, in blue text;
6. messages state amended, has been sent, has been served, have read three states.
Download :Free-iSMS v1.15 3G S60v3 S60v5 S^3 SymbianOS9.x Signed [Update 28.06.2011]
17 komentar:
gan klo boleh tau agan pake hp apa? trus pake CFW apa? ane mau ganti CFW tapi masih bingung, pake CFW yang mna yang bagus. heheh
kk.. kok smsnya ga mw masuk ke iSMS ya? jdnya masuk ke inbox biasa.. dulu2 smpt bs, tp wktu itu aku install EndClear v2.00 trs aku jlanin endclear-nya.. smnjk dr situ ga bsnya.. kira2 knp ya kk? :h: ada hubungannya ga dgn endclear itu.. terima kasih.. :d:
CFW ORI keliatan dari gmbarnya....
Isms ,ya di seting dulu donk coy
keren bro, ane sedot nie
masi ga bs caranya sign up di m15 itu,web'nya bahasa china :b: -mars-
login nya bisa pake email gak? soalnya login pake nomer hp gagal terus. padahal udah register.
Ane msh mke fw ori mas, blm ada yg mau bntuin ane msang cfw :i:
Mungkin jg gara2 endclear, mungkin jg pengaturanya yg kerubah. Liat di pengaturan cari new sms notification rubah jadi iphone style. Klo msh ga bisa coba hapus dulu isms nya trz install ulang.
@adji.. Ktmu lg ma mas adji, thx gan udh nambahin :d:
@sedenx.. Silahkan masta :d:
@mars dll.. Klo masi gagal bwt daftar,, coba download isms v1.10/v1.11 daftar make isms versi itu..
@All.. Ko di hape ane tiap ada sms masuk yg nongol cuma nomornya aja ya?? Apa ada pengaturan yg salah. Pdhl mke versi lawas ada namanya :h:
wah .. uptodATE banget neh .. blog ... boleh ane sebarin ke temen -temen ane kan gan aplikasinya?? mantaabs
@bro elvaza.. Boleh tp jgn disebarin ke para maho ya om :k:
tapi makan memory telpn sekitar 3mb ya..? padahl da diinstal di mmc..
Ya gtu mas, byasanya ada beberapa file yg otomatis ksimpen di CYa gtu mas, byasanya ada beberapa file yg otomatis ksimpen di C
masih ga bs kk.. uda aku install ulang, smpe pke versi lama jg ga bs.. kira2 knp ya? pdhl keren bgt nich aplikasi bwt hape lama yg blm ada conversation.. pernah pke thread sms, tp ga sebagus ini.. :h:
Iya threadsms emg ga sbagus isms. Tampilan isms lbih halus + kinetik scrollingnya jg lbh lmbut. Hohoho. :e:
Pke v1.11 g bsa ya? Ane dulu reg mke versi itu, klo dulu mah cuma msukin email sama password aja. Bwt versi skrg bnyk tmen2 yg ksulitan reg. :b:
Udah nyoba youlu blm mas? Youlu jg bisa conversation ky gtu + emotnya jg ada, tampilannya aja yg agak kurang.
iya.. emg lebih bagus pke iSMS.. tp ga bs dipake.. :i: aku udah cb dari v1.11, 1.12, sm 1.13 sm 1.15 ini.. klo registrasi ga ada masalah kk.. apa ada setingan yg keapus ya sm endclear? :h: youlu ya? aku cb dech kk.. makasih.. :d:
Isms udah kluar versi baru mas, lebih mudah utk login.....
ttp ga bs kk.. kynya emg udah ga jodoh sm iSMS.. hehe.. akhirnya pke youlu.. bgs jg.. cm ga bs digabung sm idialer.. jd bikin shortcut lg dech di homescreen.. thx a lot ya kk.. :d:
.kak. .cara registrasi gmana.
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