This is a rubbish application (automatic or manual) is very strong on the Symbian phones. It will clean up all kinds of garbage can on the phone: Debris from the installation or uninstallation the app, from browsing the Web, view pictures .... with a single click.
In addition, it also includes integrated file management program allows you to cut, paste, rename, set password for files, folders ...
Specially, it has always integrated the PM pyUninstaller very familiar and famous of Russia that you can cleanly removes any applications installed on the phone: Sis, Java, themes (theme)
- Need to install Python before runing
- Active Open4all
What's new:
- Fixed small bug to delete the configuration
- Optimizing the rate of cache after exit
- Optimization of junk data grouped together
- Increase the number of paths to eliminate waste
- Compatible with S60v5
- Enhance Find a mistake to judge removed
- To enhance the overall structure of the source code for optimalEndClear v2.20 S60v3 S60v5 Unsigned EN By XitrumbinhduongDownload :EndClear v2.00 EN by Xitrum
2 komentar:
gan kok aku gk bisa jalanin endclear ya, katanya ngebutuhin "py" gitu, mohon pencerahannya
sebelum install endclear, brader hrs install python dulu
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