File help:
1. Am321 is a call and sms filtering app also it report spams.
2. SMS Filtering service
Click on 'system setting,then click 'SMS Filtering'
3. SMS Blocking mode
Am321 SMS interception total offive models, namely, the default mode, the green model, black model, white list mode, custom mode. Software is installed, the current mode is automatically set to the default mode. If you need to switch to other four models, click on the current mode menu, select the drop-down menu, you can. SMS interception separate the five models, can not be combined interception.
4. Default mode
Default mode, the software for the message content and send numbers to judge, spam will automatically be filtered.
5. Green mode
Green mode for mobile phones designed for young people, in addition to spam, the program also can automatically identify yellow, reactionary, fraud and other information, even sent a bad contact information, will also be strictly filtered.
6. Black List mode
In black mode, the software willonly filter messages sent to blacklist numbers, messages sent to other numbers will enterthe mobile phone inbox. Blacklist numbers from your own settings, you can directly input can also import address book or interception record.
7. White list mode
In the whitelist mode, the software white list numbers will only receive messages sent to, messages sent to other numbers will be filtered. White List numbers from your own settings, you candirectly input can also import address book or interception record
8. Custom mode
In the custom mode, you can set filter words, as long as the filter containing the terms of the message set, will be filtered.
9. The program
Reject calls In the "System Settings -> Call Blocking settings -> program refused to accept", you can set you want to block calls, including only reject blacklist, blacklist and reject a stranger, just answer the white list, and rejected All calls received are several options.
10. Reject a call mode
In the"System Settings -> Call Blocking settings -> reject a call mode", you can reject a call mode is set to off ring tones, send busy tone, call transfer messages back and four ways.
Download :Am321 v3.06 S60v3 S60v5 UnSigned English by Ayurvedic
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