Are you a Twitter Fan? Do you miss Tweeting when you are on the move? Ever wished for a quality Twitter client available for free? Well, Trill might be the answer to your prayers for a decent Twitter client for non-touchscreen S60 devices. Following the phenomenal explosion of Twitter service and to satisfy the ever-growing user demand for more sophisticated freeware twitter application for S60 devices Spice Labs, a product development and marketing company in the Mobile Internet and Applications has announced its new Twitter application non-touchscreen phones.
Trill is a "State Of the Art" Twitter client for your Nokia device that brings a eye candy transitions and animation all together with the easy to use user interface.
Trill allows you to manage your Twitter presence on the go. Things like updating your timeline, responding to friends, browsing the links, tracking tags etc. Interacting with the world in 140 characters had never been more fun
Supports :Download :Spicelabs Trill v1.00(19) S60v3 SymbianOS9.x Signed {State Of the Art Twitter Client}
- Post new tweets
- Inline reply, Re-tweeting, mark as favorite, DM
- Monitor twitter timeline, replies & mentions
- Inline Photo Viewing
- Monitor trending topics
- Browse links posted in tweets, option to adapt web pages for mobile devices using Google GWT
- Search the tags posted in tweets
- Profile view
- OAuth Support
- Simple but featured User Interface
- Option to set update interval, link settings.
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