Here are some changes there in opera mini mod 4.2 test 11.
Added :Nb: ternyata Host dan Http nya gada masalah.
In the setting of “General” you can opt out of the bottom border at the opening menu. Instead, the field of active items drawn strip.
Change :
1. Addendum to the warning in the loader, when loading is stopped by mistake.
2. Choosing the copied text into multi-clipboard and paste text in the box.
3. Information on current / all panels on the upper edges, does not appear in the same manner and at the same panel.
Correction :
1. Edit boot – do not repair invalid characters in the address.
2. Error in Nokia startup with disabled full-screen mode enabled and
3. the duplication of softkeys.
4. In the download status window does not work pressing the stylus on the bottom border items.
5. Do not work remotely on the hot box to the status of downloads.
6. Edit code.
work great sob..
Download :
* OPMOD 4.2 test 11 Handler UI 200 Beta4.jar
* OPMOD 4.2 test 11 Handler UI 200
2 komentar:
saya rasa anda bisa membaca dan tau arti bahasa inggris tp kenapa anda me"mirror" aplikasi HANDLER??
semoga anda bisa menghargai karya HANDLER
Iya jg sh mas. Wlwpun ada ribuan orng yg mirror hsil yk_handler tp ga sharusnya dMiror. Kedepan nanti ngga saya mirror dh..
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