This is a freeware version of the powerfull task manager. Programm can completely replace system task-list, and contain many features for managing task, processes, and quick running of applications.
Key features:
● Ultimate replacement of standard task list, which called by menu-key long press.
● Customisable quick launch, where you can add program, document, phone number, SMS and e-mail.
● List of all programs in your phone with quick search by name or UID.
● List of processes, threads, chunks with quick search.
● Quick and stable termination of busy tasks.
● Autorun of programms.
● Phone reboot.
● Uninstalling of sis-applications.
● Info about free memory.
● Clocks with seconds and date with day of week.
● Detailed information about runned task, which you can copy to clipboard.
● Quick task switch by pressing and holding menu-key (Smooth task switch)
● Remember last-visited position in system phone menu.
● Detailed setting of menu-key
● Powerfull possibilities for power and memory saving
What's new:Download :Jbak TaskMan v1.40 S60v3 S60v5 S^3 SymbianOS 9.x Unsigned
● Added support for Symbian^3 devices
● Added built-in two-panel file manager
● Ability to add system folders in the quick start
● Setting the backlight depending on the current profile (beta option)
● Backlight control moved to the program rules
● Ability to switch language in the program
● Changes in language files. Now language localization is stored in the folder Data\JbakTaskMan in text form
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