GMaps v3.02 Handler UI 200Beta4 Fix1 is the application used to view the maps on the phone. This application is so popular for users of mobile Internet. Well now this application has been direalese in the latest version, that version of v3.02. And the good news for us all aplikas has been made in the version of the handler. For you fans handler application please enjoy this latest application.Handler on the gmaps application is very useful if we could get free internet access. Because as we know look at a map in real time requires a fairly large data traffic.
Download :
* Google Maps v3.02 Handler UI 200 Beta4 Fix1.jar
* Google Maps v3.02 Handler UI 200 Beta4 Fix1.zip
5 komentar:
Seems My lcoation doesn't work but gmaps232handler works. Using k850
It should work mate, whether this Gmaps can open other areas? Gmaps 232 can also be on my phone and I think the 302 version is better
But MY location says its not available when I go to help. But when I run 232 My location works flawlessly
I can search in maps 302. everything is fine except My location. 232 works flawlessly
Oh so,, sorry friends I cant help U..:m: Hopefully the next version of the handler can be great again.
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