MobileBack is the ultimate AntiTheft protection in the case of theft or loss of your mobile phone or PDA. Forgot your mobilephone? Got it stolen? MobileBack lets you track your device and protect your data. GPS-tracking enables you to localize your mobilephone with a precision of up to 2 meters (GPS enabled phone and GPS reception required). And if someone uses your mobilphone without your knowledge and with an unauthorized SIM-card, MobileBack sends you all information needed to get your device back, e.g. phone and SIM-card number of current user, IMSI-ID, Cell-ID (Cell-ID enables provider to track your device). You also can select to reset your device and/or to erase inserted SD-cards. Both options will delete personal data on the device and/or the SD-card to prevent that your data gets into false hands.
Change log :Download :1Step GmbH MobileBack V1.0 S60V3 S60V5 S^3 SymbianOS9X Signed Incl.Keygen by zAWS! ''DateCode 20.11.2010''
-Support Symbain S^3
-Minor bugs is fixed
Installation Note :
Transfer Sis file to device then use keygen to generate your own key.
Cracked by Ramesh no need keygen
Downlnad :1Step GmbH MobileBack V1.0 S60V3 S60V5 S^3 SymbianOS9X Unsigned cracked by Ramesh
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