Warspear Online - a cross-platform mobile online game (MMORPG) for mobile phones. Going into the game, you will plunge into a unique game world with its own history, full of adventure and gaming capabilities. Here you will find communication with players from around the world, pleasant meetings, new and reliable friends who checked in battle.
Today (18/05/11) is published in next update MMORPG Warspear Online 0.7.0, which can be named a landmark. Below you will find a list of recent changes in the game, but most important now is that in Warspear Online you can play absolutely FREE.
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Warspear 0.7.0 Eng S^3 S60v5 signed (Online RPG Game)
4 komentar:
gan uploadnya jgn cuma di plunder donk. gk bisa donlod lwat operamini. mediafire aja yg gampang.
Seting opera di tampilan mobile. Pasti bisa deh..
om bayu minta game2 RPG nya dong,yg semacem ninja prophecy ama final fantasy gitu
hp saya nokia 5233
thank you :g:
@imam.. Klo yg 3d mas bisa nyoba toon warz, klo yg 2d bisa nyoba tmnt,, wduh ane agak lupa nih yg rpg :m:
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