Go deeper into the spectacular world of James Cameron ’s Avatar™ and embark on a journey of redemption and discovery two decades prior to the events in the film. As Cpt. Ryan Lorenz, you’ll transmit your consciousness into the body of an experimental human-Na’vi hybrid, becoming the first avatar. Can you anticipate the powerful transformation a bout to unfold? Will you use your new powers to save the Na’vi, or will you work with the humans to destroy their world?
Download :Avatar HD v1.02 S^3 SIGNED OVI by Gameloft (127.13 MB)
8 komentar:
blm jg genap 3bln aq beli nokia C6,tp koq rasanya hp ini udah jadul ya, pas liat game S^3 yg kebanyakan sdh HD.dulu pertimbanganku beli C6 krn budjet n krn blm bnyk aplikasi n game buat S^3.jd pengen E7 atau X7
Kalo E7 Emang brapa jute kang,.? Aku juga 5800 terasa sngat jadul
w cm pny n85 diem" aj..
Mslah harga ane ga tau gan :b:
Perkembangan teknologi mh gada abisnya ya gan, klo skrg mh yg penting pnya hp yg ga malu2in dlu. Klo ada rejeki lbih baru dh ganti yg lbh bagus.
Ane jg udh lama ngidam android ni tp duitny gak ngumpul2 :k:
C6 ini pun aq beli yg seken.coz klo buat hp aq patok max 2jt.
2jt-3jt pikiran udah beralih ke netbook
lbh dr 3jt beralih ke laptop.
Pengen android jg tp hrg lbh dr 4jt.jd walaupun pny 4jt lebih scr otomatis pikiranku lsg membandingkan dgn laptop.gmn bs beli hape android???
:i: syang gamenya buat ^3 uuh :i:... Mau beli sayng duitnya
ga bisa di download -__________- link not available gaaan, begimana ini? kece loh padahal gamenya :D
James Cameron May Add Chinese suppliers Na’vi to ‘Avatar’ Sequels for more information
This tale first showed up in the September. 28 problem of The Artist
Writer journal.
Now that Wayne Cameron is doing company with Chinese suppliers, do not
be amazed if Chinese suppliers Na’ve pop up in the Character sequels. In
Aug, the...
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