UC Browser 8.0 Handler sekarang sudah Release
New features and optimization:
1. Download more powerful: to increase faster download offline, so yousave time and traffic that province. Download thefile, select the pagebefore downloading prompted to download offline, can be kept to anetwork disk and memory to the transfer station way todownload. If youwant to network disk files downloaded to local storage, you can download off-line download manager page, select save to the local.
2. V3/V5/Symbian 3 view pictures on the new model in the browser andother microblogging map page, a key to activatethe plug-mode browse all images for easy and smooth, Figure Gengshuang. You can right-click menu,main menu, shortcut keys and other entry view images.
3. Registered users login, page will see your own avatar, individuality, enjoyment exclusively to your mobile phone browser.
4. Bookmarking optimization: Improvingthe bookmark move, delete, synchronization and other management operations, clear and simple; bookmark support multi-level directory to help you better manage alarge number of bookmarks.
5. The browser page to complete pre- reading, you can press the forward (keyboard machine according to [9] key) to open the next page, a key to enter the next page, saving even more peace of mind.
6. History function optimization: History inthe new look by the time interval, showing more clearly, to find more convenient.
7. Support page up and down volume keys.
8. To solve the same position when the Wifi switch automatically with in a certain time, the question prompted repeatedly to reduce the disturbing, intelligent caring.
9. Clipboard increase in the number
10. Community sharing feature optimization: at any time to it, and better sharing.
Fixed Saving Text Config by: yk_ handler
Download :
UCBrowser 8.0 Handler Fix1 UI150 dzebb.zip
UCBrowser 8.0 Handler Fix1 UI150 dzebb.jar
14 komentar:
req donk gan, aplikasi next musik dengan sensor cahaya, cz ane pernah liat nok 5800 pas slide bayangan tangan lewat lcd, musikny next sendiri
Oh itu nama aplikasinya Moove!
ane jg pernah masang. Nanti dh ane cari link downloadnya.
Ini bro Moove! Music Player With Sensor
boleh nih aplikasi
izin nyedot
oh ya gan
ad mod buat rubah nok x6 menjadi full android gak
kyak spb gtu gan,,,,,
sekalian gan,,,req mod buat fullscreen menu s60v5,,sisain indikator batere dan sinyal aja,,
mf nih gan bnyak mau ny
moove ny ga support ya gan sama x6
Moove bisa utk 5800, mungkin bsa jg bwt x6. Oya bwt requesan homescreennya ane blm bsa ngasih, bln kmren ane jg udh ngrim email ke coderus bwt ngilangin icon kontak sama telefon di bawah homescreen tp ktny dy ga bsa bantu cuz udh ga make s60v5.
ud dicoba instal gan tp pas mw jalanin app, ga support moove nya
ud muter2 cari di web/blok masih jg ga support
tolong pencerahan gan
atau mungkin ada app pemutar musik kyak moove gt
X6 ada proximity sensornya ga?
kalo ada pasti bisa :d:
ada donk, sensor lock aja app ny bkerja sempurna,,
tlg donk gan, jd gmn ni :d:
Ga suportnya kluar tulisan gmn bro?
tulisannya kek gni gan “This aplication not support on your phone” :d:
Emg ga bisa brati gan. Td udh ane tes di 5800 lancar. Aneh juga di x6 ko ga bsa :b:
yaudah deh gan gpp :d: mungkin emg ga support buat x6
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