Here is the Opera Mini 4.3 Handler UI 200b4 R2 which is modded to give you ability to store up to 50 web page history and with Dim Mod for better view in evening, night or low light conditions. These feature are tweaked by simple code adjustments.
The features in this modded Opera Mini 4.3:
1. Night Mode Interface - including
Web Pages for eye protection
(Saat pertama kali menggunakan this's application aku mencari setingan Night Modenya bingun tidak kunjung
Ternyata Night Mode hanya skin
operaminnya saja aku kira bisa di sett manual ternyata tidak.
2. We can now Store Up to 50 Web Page History
(Wah ini fitur yang aku
suka di opmin biasanya hanya 10 baris
web history.
) 3. Page Cache Size is now doubled, no
hassle loading when back page..
(Mantap mirip dengan Fitur cache yang
ada di Opmod.
Thanks to author:
sir yk_handler
Download :Opera Mini 4.3 Handler UI 123 b4
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