(Hello OX2, HelloOX, Hellox, Helox, 2.10, 210)
HelloOX2 is a One step Hacking tool for Symbian S60 3rd(FP1, FP2), 5th and Symbian^3 phone. Hacking mean that getting full access to the phone's system files, with that capability, we can install a root certificate, and with the root certificate, we can install anything we want to mod the phone, include the Manufacturer capabilities requested apps. Completely fix annoying certificate error!
Changelogs v2.10 update :
- new Hacking method for all Nokia phone models, 3rd, 5th and S^3 all supported(Thanks stas686)
- old Hacking method still keep for non-Nokia phone models, SAMSUNG, SonyEricsson...etc
- included ROMPatcher+ updated to v2.6 (by Il.Socio)
- 5th modded installserver included
- better UnHacking
How to use it?
Hacking: Signed using your cer and key. Install then run it. All steps will run automatic, your phone will be Hacked in a minute. Download Cer & Key on Shoujizu.net
UnHacking: Run HelloOX2 again after Hacking, it'll prompt a menu let you choose UnHack or Hack again.
What HelloOX2 does?
Nokia phone models:
1. Install CertProvisioner
2. Install root Certificate
3. Unpack modded Installserver *not for 3rd FP2*
4. Install files Mover *UnHacking need that* & Move modded Installserver *non-3rd FP2*
5. Install RomPatcher+ (by Il.Socio) *not for Symbian^3*
6. Done!
non-Nokia phone models:
1. Map drive
2. Unpack Hacking files to the virtual drive
3. Activate file system
4. Unmap drive
5. Install root certificate
6. Install RomPatcher+ (by Il.Socio)
7. Done!
Supported Handset:
Nokia 5800, Nokia 5230, Nokia 5233, Nokia 5250, Nokia 5228, Nokia 5235, Nokia 3250, Nokia 5320, Nokia 5500, Nokia 5530, Nokia 5630, Nokia 5700, Nokia 5730, Nokia 6110, Nokia 6120, Nokia 6124, Nokia 6210, Nokia 6220, Nokia 6290, Nokia 6650, Nokia 6710, Nokia 6720, Nokia 6730, Nokia 6760, Nokia 6788, Nokia 6790, Nokia: E50, E51, E52, E55, E60, E61, E62, E63, E65, E66, E70, E71, E72, E75, E90, N8, N71, N73, N75, N76, N77, N78, N79, N80, N81, N82, N85, N86, N91, N92,N93, N95, N96, N97, N97 mini, X6, C7-00, E7-00, C5-03, C6.
Download :
HelloOX2 v2.10 S60v3 S60v5 S^3 Unsigned.sis (430 Kb)
HelloOX2 v2.10 Signer.exe (5.4 Mb) - Recommended
Install HelloOX2.exe to U'r PC, add cert & key, create helloOX2.v.2.10signed.sisx, put to U'r phone, then install and open helloOX, wait untill hacking done.
12 komentar:
Thank for shared!
I'am like this app.
Succeseced on 6720.
Ok 100%
kalo misal kan dah d hack make hackit by coderus trus pend d unhack bs gag om make ni helloox2? Apa musti d hardreset dulu trus ulangi hack na dari awal make ini?
hello ox ma pake systemnya coderus jd percuma pake ini kalo udah pake coderus.
cek d bloknya coderus........
Cara uninstall just hackit :
* uninstall nokia provisioner
* delete installserver.exe yang ada di C:/sys/bin
* uninstall rompatcher
* selesai
Saya sendiri juga sependapat kalo HelloOx team cuma Copas metode just hackit! bikinan CODeRUS. Coderus jg sempat komplain ke HelloOX Team karena kita harus membayar sejumlah uang untuk mendownload HelloOX v2.10 Signed.
Lengkapnya check it out...
Click : ~ CODeRUS Symbian Modding Place ~: HelloOx team make money on our hack
in brarti sma aj sma metode just hack it yg kmren2 agan upload?? beda dmanany gan? yg kmren jg bsa di unhcak jg pdaghal
Di HelloOX2 proses hacking dan unhacking dibuat lebih mudah.
betul lebih mudah buat s60v3_5 tpi untuk s^3 gak bisa instal filebrowser.
beda sama justkit yang bisa intsal filebrowser.
tpi ini sudah bagus sayang nya ini keluarnya terlambat
HP saya C6, kalo pas moving installserver lama tu gmn? pliss. . .
@nano.. Coba hack dengan metode just hackit!
betul gan ternyatan
hellox 210
gak mampu menghack nokia
dan berhenti di romoving instaler.
kayak nya memang justkit
yang paling bagus.
Untuk 5730 XM v200 da bisa blom..?
Pa masih blom bisa juga..?
Gimana kalo hellooxnya dicoba dulu gan,, atw mke just hackit yg pasti bisa... :a:
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