TrekBuddy is a J2ME application to be used with a GPS receiver.
Trekbuddy is a J2ME application to be used with a GPS receiver. It is designed to work with every Java-enabled device.
It features capabilities such as:
* GPS tracking and simple navigation
* bitmap maps (without zoom, you can store bitmap maps with different resolution instead)
* arrange maps as atlas for increasing and decreasing resolution
* trackloging in NMEA or GPX format
* simple navigation (to a single waypoint or along a route)
* compas screen (HPS)
* cockpit screen (CMS)
* location sharing via SMS with other trekbuddies
and more.
It supports most commonly used map projections and grids, such as:
[list][*] Latitude/Longitude
* Mercator
* Transverse Mercator
* Universal Transverse Mercator
* Swedish Grid
* British National Grid
* Irish Grid
* Swiss Grid
* Lambert France I-IV
* Lambert Conformal Conic
as well as custom datums.
As a location source :
* bluetooth or serial port GPS
* internal (integrated) GPS
* NMEA file
* HGE-100 device
* O2 Germany network
may be used.
* MIDP 2.0, CLDC 1.1
* In order to get position info, the phone should either:
* have internal GPS and support Location API (JSR-179), or
* have bluetooth and support Bluetooth API (JSR-82), or
* have serial/USB/IrDa port and support CommConnection
* In order to use custom maps, it is very important that the phone supports FileConnection API (JSR-75/FileConnection).
Change-log 08.12.10 :
- [Android] fixed missing altitude correction
- [Android] fixed missing number of satellites
- fixed missing scale info for large scale maps
- fixed wpt altitude editing
- fixed missing altitude on some S40 with internal GPS
Download :
TrekBuddy v1.0.2 J2ME {application to be used with a GPS receiver}
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