Wednesday, October 27, 2010

PuTTY Touch UI v1.06(45) v0.86 S60v5 SymbianOS9.4 (SHH client) (19.oktober.10)


PuTTY for Symbian OS is an SSH client and terminal emulator for your mobile phone. It lets you
connect to to SSH servers, typically Unix or Linux machines, over the network. It can be an
invaluable remote administration tool for system administrators, and is also popular for accessing
IRC clients running permanently on remote servers.
PuTTY for Symbian OS is a port of the Windows and Macintosh PuTTY SSH client to Symbian OS
based mobile phones.

Add more options to toolbar
- Memory for last location of the toolbar
- Possible settings page for toolbar?
- Add icon support back to toolbar maybe for .jpg files
- Add setting for custom button creation
Improve FEP -> Make someway to copy editable text from terminal to buffer. (might be impossible to get this working with everything


v 0.8.5 (15-Jul-2010)
- Added David Woodhouse's patches for x-term mouse.
- First Symbian^3 release
- Supports sbs compile
- Supports armv5 compile (I couldn't get gcce to work)
- Made work around for screen refresh problem. Seems like BC break between 5.0 and ^3.
- Added PUTTY_SYM3 flag for platform specific changes

v 0.8.6 (17-Oct-2010)
- Added new feature to parse http and www addresses from the screen to list.
Selecting from the list will launch browser or copy addr to clipboard.
If I ever get correct certificate file with SwEvent capability I can remove the clipboard copy and always open / change addr in browser.
- Added two new toolbar buttons. "Send grid" and "List web addresses"
- Changed a bit default settings from toolbar & general touch

Download :

PuTTY Touch UI v1.06(45) v0.86 S60v5 SymbianOS9.4 (SHH client)

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