Supplier: Smart6680 aka Kolod77Download :Image Com 2.05(1)Beta EN by Rebel
Translated by: Rebel
The program is designed to compress images, resize images and folders (either horizontally or vertically), gluing or cutting, cutting out the images.
Compress and rename, delete, copy, move, etc.
The program has 2 menus, choose the settings.
Program corresponded to the old interface (on the module appuifw).
Whats New:
* 2 different menus.
* Many settings.
* Fixed bugs that were discovered by users.
* Added module fy_manager in the program. So someone who does not fear mistakes will not be
Bisa resize banyak gambar dalam sekali resize. Ada fitur compress, flip gambar, cut, merge, ganti format file, dll.
Suport untuk s60v3 dan harus menginstal python terlebih dahulu. Work di s60v5 namun harus menggunakan virtual keyboard dalam pengoprasianNya.
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