applicable models: theoretical
support all S60V3 and s60v5 devices
type, but does not guarantee
that all models are
Test Model: 5630
and 5800 (September 2010)
Installation: please delete the
old version before installing
the new version.
And Py platform is needed.
Introduction: This software
can phone the information
within one month: the
messages sent and the inbox
all the information (including
deleted information),
transferred to the software
Description Copyright: This
software localization changes
from the support point.
Speaking of copyright belongs
to the world andstay smart
point Iori all. Welcome
reproduced, reprinted, please
indicate the point of harvest
was completed, finished
intelligence world works
Disclaimer: The finished
works can not guarantee that
all of the phones compatible
with the hardware and any
software installed,you may
have to shoulder all the
possible use of this procedure
the risk of occurrence!
Note- The program is Python
Python and Modules Should be
5 komentar:
saya coba install tapi ada psan kesalahan sertifikat gimana caranya, saya sangat perlu ini aplikasi karena saya punya sms dan terhapus semua please.... tolong dong apa yang harus saya lakukan ?
Anda harus hack hape anda dulu dan juga menginstal pytgon. Setelah itu baru anda instal aplikasi ini. Untuk cara hack dan python bisa anda lihat di gadget home.
tengkiu.... Gan.. tak coba dulu... gak ad tutornya kah ? hack
untuk python bisa download disini. tutor hack bisa diliat disini.
Tengkiu lagi gan.... semoga selalu sukses...
:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g:
:h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:
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