Supported formats: BMP 2 bit (black-white), BMP 256 colors (8 bit), BMP 24 bit, GIF 8 bit, PNG 8 bit and 24bit, WBMP 2 bit, BMX animation.
Also in MIDP2 mobiles via "Open ???" you can open PNG and JPG and another mobile-known format (forXample SVG)! Max.size of editable image: limited only by your mobile's RAM
You can draw wallpapers or draw small pictures and put it on records in your mobile address book (for showing as icon for special call incoming), or send black-white pictures in sms to your friends!
You can photo yourself or your friend - and cover his(her) face by variable effects =)
ATTENTION: If in first window you cannot push any key - it`s because PaintCAD detects your mobile wrongly. Just select your mobile by pressing 1,2,3,4,5 e.t.c key (siemens, motorola,sonyeric, nokia, samsung, lg, old motorola) and be sure that in window header mobile model is really yours. Then select language by softkeys e.t.c.
PaintCAD includes BIG HELP SYSTEM. Press '0'-'Help'-'Help:Index' in painting window and read some chapters or whole help. Also PaintCAD includes context help system. Set cursor to menu item or tool item and press '0' - you will see about selected item.
Download :PaintCAD v2.2 J2ME
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