Version : 9.4 build 95
Year : 2011
Language : English, Russian
How to Set KMS 9.4 :
Run the program and exit.
Turn CapsOFF
We go along the path C:\private\20028DDF
Rename the folder 20028DDF, adding one (like this 20028DDF1)
Settings.kls find the file and rename it to settings1.kls
Open it at X-plore, pressing key 8 (hex)
Click Options> Search and type in the hex 3a 3b, there is a first rezultat.snova click function and choose to look further. Find the desired us a line at 000 100 (first column hex) it to us and need. Now, after the value 3a 3b recorded its first 14 blocks of values, in my case is a 46 4e 5a 47 31 28 31 48 57 54 47 4f 40 we have got 14 pairs of numbers / letters. Write them all to anything.
Now just open the file settings.kls, which is on file, click search in hex and look for the same string. After seeing the value figures 3a 3b 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 now need to be replaced by the figures that we have recorded the original file.
Replace, save the changes.
Delete the file settings1.kls.
We take our just edited settings.kls and we put him on the path C:\private\20028DDF1.
Back to rename the folder from 20028DDF1 in 20028DDF
Run Kaspersky! ;)
1. Install dan Run KMS. Trus exit.
2. Ke "C:\Private\20028DDF\" dan open "settings.kls" dengan x-plore > hex editor.
3. Pilih "Find Hex" dan ketik "3A 3B".
4. Ntar bkal ktmu 14 pasang hex. Contoh:
3A 3B "46 4e 5a 47 31 28 31 48 57 54 47 4f 40 f7".
5. Catet ke "14 pasang(28huruf/angka)" dri hex values diKertas. hex ini brBeda tiap hp (ngikutin IMEI).
6. Buka "settings.kls" hasil extrak dr file Kaspersky dgn hex editor.
7. Cari "3A 3B". Dan akan ktmu :
3A 3B "58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58"
8. Ganti "58" dgn hex yg telah kt salin tadi lalu save.
9. Overwrite "Settings.kls" yg ad di "20028DDF" dgn settings.kls editan kta. (kalo perlu salin settings.kls yg asli, tkut gagal)
10. Buka "KMS 9.4" dan brGoyang lah. .
Note: jika X-Plore ga ngijinin overwrite, coba Rename folder "20028DDF" ke nama lain, trz Overwrite file, lalu folder ganti jd "20028DDF" lagi. Tested di 5800xm dan E63.
Kaspersky Mobile Security 9.4 includes the following components:
» Anti-Virus
» Anti-Spam
» Anti-Theft
» Firewall
» Encryption
» Parental control
» Privacy Protection
Download :
Kaspersky Lab KMS v9.4.95 S60v3 S60v5 S^3 SymbianOS9.x Signed Cracked KroliX
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