iChat is a real time message function provided by iSMS. The user can send text message to other iChat users without adding any contact. The real time communication is efficient and money-saving. The message delivery status will be shown as a small circle on the up left corner of the dialogue: rotating circle shows that the message is being delivered; a full circle shows that message has been delivered to the mobile of the contact; a tick on the circle shows that the message has been read by the contact.Since iChat is an instant message communication service, the user needs to set the network of the mobile as "net" and "Wifi". If the settings are cmwap、ctwap or uniwap, the user will not be able to use iChat service. The telecommunication operator will charge the data flow fee if the user chooses the "net" network.
Symbian S60 3rd full support:
Like: 3250 / 3250XM / 5320XM / 5500 /5700 / 5700XM / 5730XM / 6110N /6120 / 6120C / 6121C / 6122C/6124C / 6210N / 6210S / 6220C /6290 / 6650 / E50 / E51 / E52 / E60 /E61 / E61i / E62 / E65 / E66 /E70 / E71 / E90 / N71 / N73 /N75 / N76 / N77 / N78 / N79 /N80 / N81 / N82 / N83 / N83i /N85 / N91 / N92 / N93 / N93i /N95 / N95 8GB / N96
Symbian S60 5th, Symbian ^ 3 full support:
Like: 5230 / 5232 / 5233 / 5235 / 5250 /5530XM / 5800 /5800i / 5800w / 5802XM /C5-03 / C6 / N97 / N97i / N97 mini / X6 /C6-01 / C7 / N8
Samsung: S5200c、i400、G818E、L878E、i520、i458、M8000、i560、i550、i450、i408、SGH-i570、GT-B5210U、i7110、SGH-i408
LG: KS10, KT615
1. Fetion Fetion new channel settings always show, no public phone number to solve the case of the letter sent to fly the issue;
2. use the user guide is always only three times;
3. Fixed Fetion friends stuck in the program update process issues;
4. Love SMS picture and picture card folder synchronization;
5. The definition of the background skin, display a background picture is not their definition picture;
6. associated with the 1.03 version of the color reading;
7. Fetion fix crash when group name is too long the problem;
8. To restore the green button to send the letter to fly, failed to give prompt;
Download :Free-iSMS v1.16 S60v3 S60v5 S^3 Signed `Update 13.07.2011)
3 komentar:
gan, pnjem id m15 dnk biar bsa ngrasa'n ISMS, saya register gagal truz gan..
Maaf gan, password m15 ku sama ma password e-mail & blog. :m:
gan gagal terus ni registrasi y
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