+ True soccer atmosphere with improved graphics, animations, cleaner menus & livelier stadiums
+ Over 240 teams and hundreds of real players in 9 leagues thanks to the FIFPro license
+ Many game modes including cups, leagues and a History mode to play the most epic games of the past
+ New features: Pick a European national team, play the qualifying round & score your way to victory!
+ Play against friends locally via Bluetooth & climb the RS League leaderboard by playing a season
Tons of achievements to earn & dynamic loading screens with trivia to test your soccer knowledge
Real Football 2012 Java Cheats (Gameloft)Cheats are:
¤ IN MAIN MENU: Press 24462 to activate ML mode
¤ IN CLUB MASTER/ENTER THE LEGEND MODE: Press 2468 to activate cheat mode and to win everything. (YOU MUST ACTIVATE ML mode at first)
¤ IN THE GAME: After activating ML mode Press Right Soft Key to get a secret menu named HAND OF GOD.
¤ CPU vs CPU/Legend mode: On main menu, press */# to toggle these modes...
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49 komentar:
Mana link downloadnya>>>>...????
ada di bwah mas.ada di bwah mas.
game nya mantab gan!! :g:
linknya kokk g bisa d download mas
taruh di plunder aja mas...linknya g bisa d download
all link fixed. Smw link udh bisa skrg :d: nambah resolusi 128x160 ..d: nambah resolusi 128x160 ..
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gan kalo s60v5 resolusinya brapa ?, hehe ane newbie
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ijin sedot y bay:g:
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ini bwat pc apa hp
ane gatau yg bwt BeBe..
Java game ya hape dng om :a:
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iri nih pada bsa maen RF2012 kapan y ada untuk android lowend kyak punya ane
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Di N73 ga bisa gan :i:
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black_ slm knal bro..
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ada game lain gak.....
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