Easiest way to own a ubuntu desktop in your cell phone!!! All items in your phone were integrated to one button and classified as the way ubuntu does. Also a sweeeeet launcher with very pretty and friendly user interface. The common items display on home screen directly, it is smooth to access each app.
Features:Download :mbuntu v1.0 S60v3 S60v5 SymbianOS9.x Signed Full By Alireza
1. Convenient ubuntu style.
2. Easy to operate, friendly to use;
3. Run smooth and quickly;
4. Will not delay your system performance.
4 komentar:
ini sistem kerja nya gimana ya bro? kaya vhome dan gdesk ya?
support untuk S60v3 ga mas?
App ini beda dgn vhome & gdesk ini lbh simple. Karna mbuntu adalah MMMOOO jadi harus punya flash player untuk mengoprasikan ini (Rata2 S60v5 dan S^3 udah langsung instal aja. Sebagian s60v3 harus install flash player terlebih dahulu)
nice gan thx, i love ubuntu
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