Recruitment : S60v3
Work with a png or jpg formats Ability to work with more images simultaneously Tools: pencil, brush, eraser, line, rectangle, ellipse, polygon, polygon fill, spray, text, pipette, magnifying glass, a selection, template brush. Convert the image: rotate, mirror image, rezizing, changing the size of the canvas, cut selected, invert color transformation in the mask, replacement of color, saturation, sepia, lighting, shading, blur, gradient, posterizatsiya, gradient, rgb balance. Undo, redo actions, Exporting, Importing palette of colors.
New Changelog:Note:
~ replaced the interface icons
~ replaced splash
~ transparency fix
~ blur plug in fix
~ sharpening plug in fix
~ new icon
~ some bugs when editing fixed
~ fast scrolling / navigation
~ better translation
~ lesser file size< lite >
~ replaced some strings
~ more color themes
~ and other minor fixes
- Install python first before installing iDesigner
- iDesigner work great using V_key on S60v5
Download :Image Designer v1.43 RC2 EN S60v3 S60v5 SymbianOS9.x Signed Repack by Keito (S60v5 work with Virtual_keyboard)
4 komentar:
aku uda dwnld tp selalu ga bs jalan ni d hp'q.padahal uda install python jg.uda dwnld berbgai versi idesigner jg dr dulu tp ya gt ga bs dibuka dhp,pdhl mp3tageditor yg platform python aja bs jalan dhp tp yg ini ga bs.ada saran mas? -mars-
@mars.. Hp mas apa ya?? Mnurutku ada script atw modul dr python yg kurang. Saran dr saya coba uninstall semua aplikasi2 python trz pasang golden python baru dh install lg aplikasi yg tadi udh dApus. Untuk info python silahkan liat di sini
hay please give me a idesigner for nokia 6600.1.08 is not include image cutter.i need it
bingung cara makenya gan,
Tutorialnya dong. Hehe..
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