Using Footfeed to check in is easy. Simply create an account and link up your network accounts. When you want to check in, select your location and press checkin. You will continue to earn your points, badges, mayorships, rewards and rankings from each of the checkin networks.
Key Features:
* Multi Checkin Capable: check in once to multiple networks simultaneously including Facebook Places, Foursquare, Gowalla, Google Latitude, Facebook and Twitter
* Nearby Check-in Deals & Rewards: find all of the deals and rewards available from local businesses just for checking in. You can even search deals.
* Tips & To Dos: we aggregate all of the tips and recommendations shared by users across all the check-in networks so you can easily get ideas on where to go and what to do
* Single Check in Feed: view all your friends checkins from Brightkite, Foursquare and Gowalla in a single feed
* Stats: view all your stats across the checkin networks in a single view including, points, badges, mayorships, friends, stamps and more
* Friends: view all your friends on your checkin networks including their stats and recent checkin history
* Favorite Locations: mark your favorite locations for quick checkin
Footfeed is recommended for fans of Brightkite, Foursquare, Facebook, Gowalla, Latitude, Loopt, Whrrl, Buzzd and other checkin networks
Download :FootFeed v1.00 S60v5 S^3 SymbianOS9.x Signed {All-In-One Social Networks Checkin App}
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